Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Groundhog Day and New Years Eve.

We were invited to share in Chinese New Years Eve dinner by my boss Mrs. Mei Han. She also invited a good friend of hers and family and Sarah. We had a very good dinner. It was a real honor and a pleasure to share this with them.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl


Last week I brought the flu home from my boss. It came on fast and most of it went away after three or four days. We all still have some sort of cough even after two weeks. Suzanne and DJ are taking medicine and making a slow recovery. I started my two week long holiday today. George and Connie are going back to Canada to visit family and go to one of their daughters' wedding. Tony is visiting his Chinese girlfriends country home. Sarah is just hanging out with her Chinese boyfriend. All the TA's are traveling to visit their families. Mei is taking us out to dinner tomorrow night and then she is leaving to visit her mother. Thursday is the first day of the new year according to the Chinese calendar. This time of year is much like our Christmas, Thanksgiving and New Year all in one. There are 700 million Chinese traveling to be with family. Later today I will go buy some fireworks for tonight but we are just staying home for the holiday.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

2010 Taxes - Done!

I earned twice as much in the states during 2009 as I have here during 2010. With 'child tax credit' and 'earned income credit' I got a tax refund around $7,000 last year and this year also. We don't pay for a house or car and have a lower cost of living, and I work fewer hours so I have more time with my family. Thank you U.S.A. for the tax credits and thank you China for the job and housing.
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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl


Debora hosted the Christian fellowship and Bible study yesterday. We had music with songs, and talked about how all things are possible through God. We told the story of Abraham and Sarah having a son at an old age. This meeting is not against the law but is against Ivy rules because it is their apartment. So this is simply a social get together where one of the topics of talk is of a religious nature. Sharon and Leroy will return the first week of March and they will have the meetings at their apartment again. DJ really enjoyed all the company and Susan even had some kids close to her age. Most of the people spoke some English. In true Baptist form, where there is a meeting, there is food.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Difficult but possible.

I went to Bible study with Deb yesterday morning. Some of the ladies brought their kids since they were out of school. It was a really good time. One of the ladies gave Deb a gift just like she had given Sharon. It looks very beautiful and is now hanging in our living room.

The school had provided furnishing for the apartment when we came but ours didn't have a table. We decided to buy a table since we are staying another year. Yesterday, after Bible class, Deb and I went to the local furniture outlet and found a table and chairs for our apartment. We looked at several kinds, glass and wood, small and big. We had an idea that we wanted something that could change from small to large so we could put it to the side when we weren't using it and pull it out and make it bigger when we have company. We found one that we liked and they wanted 2000 RMB but we wanted to finish looking around before we made a decision. We found one just like the one we liked at the end of our search, and they only wanted 1650 RMB. We negotiated down to 1400 RMB and got them to throw in delivery and assembly. We did all this by ourselves without a translator. The only help we had was the name of our housing area, building and apartment number that was wrote down on a piece of paper by one of the Ivy School staff when we first came here.

We also bought a new wireless router for the computer so we could move it from the office into the living room. Then we changed the office into DJ's new bedroom. Now we have our bedroom to ourselves again. When I buy something like this in the states, it comes in English, Spanish and half a dozen other languages, but here it is only in Chinese. It wasn't easy to install without knowing any Chinese but thank goodness I have a natural talent with computers.

Starting next week, for six weeks, Deb is going to have the Bible study group over here while Leroy and Sharon are on vacation. Suzanne and I moved things around this morning. Deb went shopping for some slippers and stools for our guest, and some Chinese new years decorations.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Sometimes it's hard to get things done.

One of the hardest things about us travelling over here was when we went to get a rental car to drive to Houston where we had to leave to come to China. They had some silly rule that you couldn't use a debit card, even if it was also a Visa charge card. Thank goodness Gil was there to let us use his and we just payed them back.

We haven't had much need for the Visa over here, but recently we decided to get a certain kind of translator to help make our life here a little easier. E-Bay wouldn't let me order without paying with Pay-Pal and they wouldn't let me continue using them without updating my account and sending current proof of residence in the states, which I don't have. Because my billing address was in the states and the shipping address was in China, Amazon thought I had stolen my own information and wouldn't let me order. I finally went directly to the manufacture and ordered, but still couldn't get it shipped without sending them copies of the credit card, drivers license and a signed form. Thank goodness I already had copies of what they wanted and could fill-out and sign the form on my computer and e-mail it all back to them.

Here are a couple of pics of DJ. One is with a stuffed bear three times her size. It was a Christmas gift to Suzanne from some American friends working and living over here. The over pic is of DJ's new socks sent from a friend that used to be a TA at Ivy. She will be coming back to Ivy on the 17th this month for a little bit.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

A few old and some new pics.

Some of these pics were on my phone. The little girl is a girl that was at the Muslim restaurant Deb and I went to back in the fall before it got too cold. We had four Christmas meals this year; the forth was at Ivy during lunch time on Christmas day. There are three showing DJ after she fell asleep in her walker. Even though she still isn’t walking on her own, we gave the walker away and now she has a rocker / high chair she enjoys. One of the Christmas gifts she got is a singing goose that she loves. We also went out and got her two new outfits today. One is pink with bunnies on it; the next Chinese year is the year of the rabbit. I will show a picture of it later. The other outfit is white and orange. We had a white Christmas, but then again, every day during the winter here is white. The boss at Ivy, Mei, has the same birthday that our son had and we went to a birthday dinner for her this evening. Most of the Chinese Ivy staff was there and we were honored to be invited. It was a lovely evening. I have a few days off before starting winter spoken classes and getting some extra hours from one of the other teachers that is leaving.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

First Christmas in China.

Our first Christmas in China is almost over before it is even here. We went to my co-workers and our friend’s apartment last night for a Christmas dinner. All the Ivy staff attended but the other faculty had other plans. Debora went over early to help out. George and Connie are from Canada and this was their second Christmas here. She really did a beautiful job. This was the first year George dressed like Santa Clause and all the staff went fanatic over him. They also tore into their gifts like little kids. DJ wasn’t too thrilled about Santa but we all had a great time.

We had Christmas just for us at home today and opened more gifts. We will have another Christmas dinner tomorrow night just for the Ivy faculty and Deb, Suzanne and DJ. Even though they sell all kinds of Christmas trees, decorations and lights, Christmas is not a holiday here in China. It probably will be in about ten years, but for now I will have to work Christmas day. There probably won’t be much teaching or learning with Santa making a visit to all the classes. I only have two days of public school next week and then I have six days off with only one evening class at Ivy during that time. Then we will start winter break spoken classes at Ivy. Martin is leaving to go back to England early and we will all have to cover his classes until the Alexander’s come in middle February which is when Tony will leave Ivy.

DJ has a new high chair, some new toys and a new blanket. We are going to buy her some new clothes next week. Spot has a new sweater that is bigger and not as tight. Deb has a new blouse and scarf to go with her skirt and I have a new jacket to go with my other clothes. Life is treating us very well in China. We have many new friends and I have a job that I enjoy. Suzanne is starting her 9th grade school lessons six months early. We are all healthy and happy. My Christmas wish to all is that you are at least half as blessed as we have been this last year.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

15th Wedding Anniversary.

Last night we had a dinner celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary. It’s not official until the 20th but this was a good time for the dinner. I had invited all the foreign teachers and the school director, Mei Han and her husband. Sarah had other plans and Mei had a last minute business dinner she had to attend. Martin is leaving soon and he wanted to spend more time with Leachy, his Chinese girlfriend. She also attended the dinner. Tony’s girlfriend and former Ivy employee, Daisy also came.

I had made reservations at a very nice BBQ restaurant. I left early the evening before to walk the 40 minutes to work in -35 degree Celsius weather so I could stop by the florist to order flowers to be delivered. The flowers cost about $15US.

Just after we arrived at the restaurant, we sat DJ down in a chair and were starting to take off our coats, when she fell over to one side off the chair and landed on her head. She was scared but fine. It seems like nothing in life goes exactly according to plan and that holds true for our marriage from day one to now. I am not complaining. It keeps you on your toes.

During dinner I told the story of how Debora and I met by me placing an ad in the newspaper and she answered that ad. Then I made a toast to Debora saying,


-Someone to clean-up after me, do my laundry and the dishes, all without pay.

-Someone to always wait on me hand and foot without complaint.

-Someone to always be there for me when I need them and never ask anything in return.

-Someone to give birth to three children by me.

-Someone who can show love to me even with all my many faults.

-Someone who doesn’t mind living on a tight budget and do without some of life’s luxuries.

-Someone who doesn’t mind moving around and at times living in sub-standard housing.

-Someone who will put-up with a person who has never worked a single job for longer than a few years.

-Someone who will follow me to the ends of the world, even China.

-Someone who will say they will be my wife after only knowing me for three days.

-Someone who will marry me after only a one month engagement.

-Someone who doesn’t mind a very simple and cheap wedding.

-Someone who doesn’t mind forgoing a honeymoon and going to Sonic for a burger instead.

-Someone who will grow with me, pound for pound, five pounds a year.

-Someone who will keep my feet warm in bed.

-Someone who will be my best friend and soul-mate.

-Someone I can love until the end of time.

Debora, thank you for marrying me. I could not have been any luckier than when I met you. I may not be the perfect husband and you may not be the perfect wife, but you are the perfect wife for me. Happy 15th wedding anniversary. I love you.’

Debora gave me a nice card and small gifts and a message that read, ‘It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost 15 years. I know there were times when we both wondered if this would ever come. I love you more today than I did when we first met. You have shown me a lot of things, and most importantly how to love someone regardless of what they do and how they look. You say sometimes that you wish you could have my patience, but most of the time I wish that I had some of your qualities. I hope you like everything. Happy Anniversary.

Connie gave us a very nice blanket which we needed to go on top of our new electric blanket to keep us warm.

George insisted on paying the bill at the restaurant. The dinner was about $90US. Thanks George.

The restaurant gave DJ a cute little bobble head doll/bank.

After we got home I realized that we had forgotten the flowers and I had to go back for them. If it wasn’t for these little things that interrupt our plans and routines, life wouldn’t be as exciting and marriage and kids just seems to multiply the excitement.

Waiting for our guest.

She is so pretty.

This is a nice place.

It was such a big room.

The happy couple.

Tony, Daisy, Connie and George.

Leachy and Martin.

They came in and cooked the food for us on coals they placed in the table you can see at this end.

I think everyone had a good time.

I know we really enjyed sharing this time with them.

He took this picture himself.

We did he take a picture of the toilet?

They make a nice couple.

Connie and George celebrated their 25th anniversary last year.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Part of Suzanne's and DJ's Christmas.

Carl and Darlene Kitchens, Judy Aswell, great grandma Duff, and grandma and grandpa Niemeir put some money in our US bank account and these are the two main things Suzanne and DJ got for Christmas. Suzanne just had to decorate her coat. DJ loves her new high chair. It rocks and changes into a table and chair. The All the malls here decorate for Christmas just like they would back home. The stores even play Christmas music, both in English and Chinese. It is really odd to here Christmas music about the birth of Jesus Christ, in Chinese. Christianity is not against any rules or laws. There aren't many people that are Christians but you can talk about it even in public. What you can't do is try to openly, in public, try to convert or preach. You can have a Bible but it might raise some questions if you are carrying it in public out in the open. Some people have never heard of Christ and others that have don't fully understand. All they know is that it is a western religious thing. They really don't do anything for Christmas in there homes because it isn't a national holiday.Just as Christmas was celebrated before it became a religious holiday, I feel that the Chinese people's fascination with the west will someday, maybe in the next ten years, lead to them observing Christmas. This will give them a better opportunity to learn about and follow Christ.

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Public school musical performance.

The public schools had what they call an art festival this afternoon. It was more of a talent show with many different kinds of performing arts. The school I teach at asked that I help them by being in one part. I played the part of 'Old MacDonald' and we sang "Old MacDonald" has a farm. My whole family went to this and some parents and grandparents of the kids, but it was mostly by and for the kids. Almira went with us and we sat next to the headmaster over all the public schools. This is the same man who came to one of my classes before and he speaks very good English. He came on stage and interviewed me, asking about the school I teach at and the production. All the teachers involved with the kids doing the show sang individually at the end and then together they sang together the final song, which was "If You're Happy and You Know It", in Chinese of course. It was a fun time for all. Here are some of the 100 pics and videos we took.

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Dinner and a movie.

Another co-worker from Ivy came for dinner tonight. She is a very happy, beautiful and friendly girl named Bancy. We really enjoyed her coming. She is so much fun and very pleasant to be with.

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Early Christmas.

My contract will soon be over. Ivy has made an offer for us to stay and I told them no, because we would still like to make it to Beijing. I have been looking for were we might can go next. I have turned down three offers elsewhere so far and have many others that are considering me. I have only made about a third of my contacts. We have really enjoyed working and living here and are finally starting to get used to it. We have made some friends and have more friends on the way. I asked Ivy tonight if we can stay and they said yes. We are not moving and will be staying another year. Beijing will have to wait. This seems like a very good Christmas gift for us all. We have put up a tree that Debora's friend and my co-worker let us borrow. DJ has a new hat, since she was out growing the old one. The old hat would keep Spot's ears warm if he would keep it on.

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Bible class.

Deb and the girls went to Bible class together yesterday. Deb said she tried the silk worm but didn't like it. I took Deb out to our local Chinese restaurant tonight for dinner for her birthday. She likes their chicken wings. Tomorrow we are going to have Thanksgiving lunch at KFC and then go shopping. I saw on THV channel 4 out of Little Rock, how there is going to be a cold front move in just in time for Thanksgiving. Our highs here are 10 degrees Fahrenheit lower than what Arkansas lows will be, around 21 degrees. And our lows will be -2 with a windchill of -13 degrees. We should have our third snow of the year tonight with another big snow coming over the weekend.

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Look what I can do.

DJ is eating more new foods now that she has teeth. She has at least 12 and maybe more. She likes to try everything we eat. She likes pork chops and bacon now. She is also walking around pushing her walker. Tonight she took a bath in the big tub instead of the shower with one of us. Also today, Deb took Spot to the veterinarian and got all his shots up to date so he is ready to travel again when the time comes. Tomorrow, all the ladies are going out to Bible class.
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Look mom; no hands.

DJ was walking around the table holding on when she wanted to go to her walker. Deb says she saw her take three steps before she fell. These are the videos I took after. She is almost ready to solo.

Deb also cooked some sweet potato tarts for her bible study class ladies the other day. I didn't try them but Suzanne said they were good. The potatoes were not orange in color like they are in the states and they were firm like regular potatoes and she didn't have any butter that the recipe called for, but they turned out pretty good anyway. She got the little pie shells from the import store.

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'A' is for apple for DJ.

DJ wants to eat everything now that she has a mouth full of teeth. I also shared my world's hottest hot sauce with some of the faculty at Ivy the other day. They are used to and like hot things. They said it was too hot.

DJ really likes to play with her big sister.
"Who invited you?"
"You can have the chicken; I want the bucket."
"How do you eat an Oreo?"
"That's how."
"Look what I can eat dad."
"How cute am I?"
This is George in his new suit he had made for his daughter's wedding and the school director, Mei Han.
Brett got two drops of the hot sauce instead of one.
Bancy only got one drop of the hot sauce and that was more than enough.
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