A few old and some new pics.

Some of these pics were on my phone. The little girl is a girl that was at the Muslim restaurant Deb and I went to back in the fall before it got too cold. We had four Christmas meals this year; the forth was at Ivy during lunch time on Christmas day. There are three showing DJ after she fell asleep in her walker. Even though she still isn’t walking on her own, we gave the walker away and now she has a rocker / high chair she enjoys. One of the Christmas gifts she got is a singing goose that she loves. We also went out and got her two new outfits today. One is pink with bunnies on it; the next Chinese year is the year of the rabbit. I will show a picture of it later. The other outfit is white and orange. We had a white Christmas, but then again, every day during the winter here is white. The boss at Ivy, Mei, has the same birthday that our son had and we went to a birthday dinner for her this evening. Most of the Chinese Ivy staff was there and we were honored to be invited. It was a lovely evening. I have a few days off before starting winter spoken classes and getting some extra hours from one of the other teachers that is leaving.

Teacher Carl

I am an American, and have been teaching English as a second language online since 2016. I have traveled to many countries and lived in some, but now I only travel in the United States of America and enjoy sharing my travels and personal experiences with my students.


DJ and her new Chinese New Year clothes.


First Christmas in China.