Sometimes it's hard to get things done.

One of the hardest things about us travelling over here was when we went to get a rental car to drive to Houston where we had to leave to come to China. They had some silly rule that you couldn't use a debit card, even if it was also a Visa charge card. Thank goodness Gil was there to let us use his and we just payed them back.

We haven't had much need for the Visa over here, but recently we decided to get a certain kind of translator to help make our life here a little easier. E-Bay wouldn't let me order without paying with Pay-Pal and they wouldn't let me continue using them without updating my account and sending current proof of residence in the states, which I don't have. Because my billing address was in the states and the shipping address was in China, Amazon thought I had stolen my own information and wouldn't let me order. I finally went directly to the manufacture and ordered, but still couldn't get it shipped without sending them copies of the credit card, drivers license and a signed form. Thank goodness I already had copies of what they wanted and could fill-out and sign the form on my computer and e-mail it all back to them.

Here are a couple of pics of DJ. One is with a stuffed bear three times her size. It was a Christmas gift to Suzanne from some American friends working and living over here. The over pic is of DJ's new socks sent from a friend that used to be a TA at Ivy. She will be coming back to Ivy on the 17th this month for a little bit.

Teacher Carl

I am an American, and have been teaching English as a second language online since 2016. I have traveled to many countries and lived in some, but now I only travel in the United States of America and enjoy sharing my travels and personal experiences with my students.


Difficult but possible.


DJ and her new Chinese New Year clothes.