Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Last day.


Yeah, that's a deer. This was our favorite part about this camping trip, all the wildlife that would just walk among the campsites, sometimes even walking right up to our tent.

Ducks saying goodbye as we were packing up to leave.

We went out to dinner at a local restaurant, and then to a movie, to see, 'Cruella'. This was the sunset when we came out of the cinema. Beautiful ending to a relaxing last day of this really nice vacation.

This video is about some things we do as far as camping security. I'm trying not to speak too loud so I don't scare wildlife or disturb other campers.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Not so primitive camping.


Since I had a couple of days off, and the weather was going to be nice, at least as nice as it can be for late January in south Arkansas, we made last minute arrangements to go camping about 25 minutes away.

This is a primitive campsite through the Arkansas Forestry Commission. All we had to do is select a spot from their map, and then call them and tell them how many nights we wanted to stay. It was that easy, and without paying.

Of course we carried everything we needed. It was only for one night, but since we haven't been camping in a month, it was nice to get out of the house.
We found some trash around the campsite, so we gathered it up, and took it away with us when we left. My motto is to leave a campsite cleaner than we found it.
Near the camp was a spot where hunters had setup to clean deer. I think this isn't legal to do here, so I have reported it.

We also found a couple of deer carcasses, a skull, and a hoof.

After we setup camp, explored around our campsite, and cleaned up the trash, we went hiking at the northern end of White Oak Lake, where White Oak Creek continues on it's way after passing through the dam.
We went back to camp and got ready for dinner and a movie by the campfire.

Someone had left a doll head, and we had some fun with it.

The doll head enjoyed the movie, but not the fire so much.

All-in-all, one of our best camping trips. Too bad it was only for one night. We will definitely come back here again.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Daisy State Park at Lake Greeson

We had another camping trip, this time to Daisy State Park at Lake Greeson. It was raining all Sunday morning before we left, but stopped in the afternoon. We arrived about two hours before sunset. After setting up camp, we did our usual campfire and then prepared dinner, and enjoyed a movie. The next day, we explored the camp, and went for a hike. Because it was supposed to be raining all day on Wednesday, we decided to leave a day early. It was 21 Fahrenheit (-6 Celsius) when we woke up Tuesday morning. We had left our heater on low all night, so not to freeze our drinking water in the tent. It was still just above freezing in the tent. I turned the heat to high so we could get dressed and prepare breakfast. After breakfast, we went for another hike, and took a picnic lunch with us to enjoy. We found a picnic table setup on the banks of the lake. We ate lunch, and then played a game I brought along, and finally, explored a little bit, before returning to camp and packed up to go home. Even cutting our trip short by a day, it was still nice.

As we were exploring the camp, we saw this squirrel warming itself near a yurt.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Solo: A Star Wars Story

We started our day by doing some house cleaning. When we took the trash outside, we found a baby deer.

After spending some time with the deer, and letting it go, we hung an American flag for Memorial Day.

Then we went to Crystal Falls Water Park for the afternoon.

Followed by going to see 'Solo: A Star Wars Story'. The cinema had comfortable recliner seats.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Easter 2018

The bottom picture shows my two daughters and myself at our church, Grace Baptist, on Easter Sunday.

For those that are interested, if you go to the link for the church, you can find links to videos of our pastor’s sermons, and his blog.

We also have a wonderful singing group named ‘Ten Steps Back’ that sings at our church. This is a link to watch one of their concerts.

Happy Easter.

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