Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Mother's day


After my mother, both my daughters, and my older daughter's boyfriend's mom, and I went to church together, I took them to lunch.

My daughter's and I then presented my mother with her gift from us; five flower planters.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

(Mother's trip to Ireland) Odds and Ends, Ireland, July 2023

The trip was everything I had dreamed about for many years. The Irish people were so friendly and helpful. It felt strange driving on the left side of the road with the steering wheel on the right side of the car. My friend caught on quickly to the narrow roads and roundabouts. I had lived in England for 4 years so I was more comfortable driving than she. 

The lush green fields and beautiful flowers were a delight. We did not plan to go to large cities with museums and cathedrals but to enjoy the people,  their customs, their culture and their ways of life. We saw no trash or old cars parked in the yards but found the Irish are proud of their country, their homes and well-kept property. The homes were lovely, some very large, others small cottages. It was a real delight to spend a week there. We also met many other tourists in our Bed and Breakfast each day  as well as in the places we visited. 

I am so sorry my granddaughter did not get to go with me. We both applied for passport renewal back in March not knowing there was an extraordinary waiting period this summer because people all over the USA were eager to travel out of country after being cooped up with Covid restrictions. I truly hope she has another chance to visit Ireland. 

As a senior citizen with a number of health problems, I doubt I am able to make another trip overseas. I have been privileged to live in Germany in the 60s, in Italy in the 70s and England in the 80s with my military husband. Each country was an adventure. I loved it all. I think that is why my son, Teacher Carl, enjoys teaching English as 2nd language to students all over the world. He too loves to travel, learning about other cultures and people from all over the world.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

(Mother's trip to Ireland) Day 7, B n B, Folk Park and Pottery

 Day 7 It was rainy again this morning so we lingered over breakfast and took a few pics of our sweet hostess and host, Delores and Gary. We decided to go to a nearby pottery when the rain stopped (forgot to get pics, sorry) where we really had fun getting more gifts (small ones for suitcase travel). Then we went thru the Bunratty Folk Park. It is a village of buildings that are replications of some from various places around Ireland. Only a couple were originally on site (26 acres) including the Bunratty Castle. Fabulous place to visit (similar to Willamsburg). We will have tonight to enjoy one last pub meal with music, then leave for the airport very early in the morning.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

(Mother's trip to Ireland) Day 6, Kinsale, on the coast

 DAY 6 We had a lovely sunny day so we drove south to the coastal town of Kinsale. We did our best to skirt Cork (2nd largest city in Ireland) and pretty much succeeded. The fields were lush green and the sky a lovely blue with mostly fluffy white clouds. There were a couple dark clouds but not even a shower all day. The flowers in Kinsale were gorgeous. One pic is of a stacked fence, a skill the Irish have mastered, no concrete required. These lovely pics were all taken by Diane today. I drove south and we got there in time for a walk before lunch. We had a prawn salad for lunch just across the street from the port. After the walk along the pier road, I was very tired so Diane drove home. It was a very nice experience.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

(Mother's trip to Ireland) Day 5, nice drive to Tipperary

 Day 5 in Ireland. We decided today was a great day to drive to Tipperary in this beautiful sunshine, although we had a shower and some clouds at some point. Nothing special for us to see there but it was a nice drive. Then coming home we did little back roads thru small villages, seeing lush green fields, rolling hills, some cattle and old ruins and graveyards. We both love that. When we got back to Bunratty we had fish and chips and did a little shopping (well Diane did...lol). I sat at an outside table and conversed with an Irish laddie (he said he was 42) who was very hospitable. He wanted to know what  I thought of Donald Trump. He was very surprised to find out I was very surprised to see beer being sold here on Sunday. He wanted to know if it was true that alcohol could only be purchased by 21-year-olds. He was really interested in these culture differences.
Today's pics are some I took in a small village as we passed an old church. Diane drove today.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

(Mother's trip to Ireland) Day 4 Ireland, storm in Atlantic and Loophead lighthouse

 Day 4 in Ireland. Tried to see Cliffs of Moher from ferry excursion but storm in the Atlantic made havoc of the trip. Very cold, rainy and VERY CHOPPY. Could not see the cliffs at all and lots of people on the boat were making big time use of their barf bags.....we did not get sick. I did get very dizzy so sat very still, closed my eyes and let the sway of the boat put me to sleep until big bumps of waves woke me up. They should have canceled the ride and refunded our money. Nuff said!

So in the afternoon we drove on down to a lighthouse on the tip of the peninsula and had a lovely lunch on the way. We saw tranquil scenes of cows, sheep, farmland and beautiful homes. We also saw a lot of old abandoned and dilapidated rock homes with no roofs from many years ago, possibly when many Irishmen left during the potato famine.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

(Mother's trip to Ireland) Day 3 in Ireland

 Raining on Day 3...we have reservations for a cruise on River Shannon not far from here. In the meantime here are pics Diane took the first 2 days. Some are in Bunratty at local pub, downtown Galway and flowers everywhere.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

(Mother's trip to Ireland) Day 2, Climate, Galway

 We have dark in Ireland in July from 10 pm until 5:15 am. The sun was out the day we arrived but yesterday as we drove to Galway, it was misty a lot, rainy some, cloudy mostly and cool. Today's weather will be more rain than sun, if any, with temperatures of a high of 62 and 50s at night. This is why the flowers are gorgeous and the hillsides are so lush and green. Eat your heart out if you are having 3 digit temps and your flowers and vegetable gardens are dry and brown.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

(Mother's trip to Ireland) DAY 1, Bed & Breakfast in Bunratty, Ireland

 First night in Ireland. Nice trip across the big pond from DFW. London's Heathrow Airport was BIGGER than I remember. A big walk for an old woman with leg and feet and back problems. Was late getting into Shannon due to an electrical/mechanical problem with Air Lingus plane. But everyone in all 3 airports were so nice and helpful (with one exception). Got lost on the way to B n B because I forgot to write down directions. It is only 7 Km from airport but it took us an hour to finally get here. We were starving and finally got to a pub about 8 pm but it was worth it. Had fish and chips with great atmosphere in a building that was first built in 1827 (I think) and live music with Irish singing, pub musicians with guitar and fiddle and patrons singing too. A great first night here. 10 pm here and we are just about ready for bed. This is Bunratty Castle just a few Kms from where we stay all week. Irish country  breakfast in the morning and we will decide then where we want to go on our first day trip.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl


My family usually has many birthdays in June, starting with me, followed by my several family members who are now, no longer with us, and ending with my mother.

No, my mother is not two years older than me. But she didn't like the numbers the true way around. I bought the flowers, but made the cake.

My younger daughter, Destiny turned 13 yesterday, and she wanted brownies for her birthday, instead of cake. She also wanted cheesy chicken spaghetti, which I also cooked.
My older daughter's birthday is next month, followed by my grandson turning three in November.

This is her last week, ready for her first day of school.


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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

2021 New Year's Day.

Four generations: My mother, younger daughter, older daughter, her son, my step-father, and me.


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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Christmas Prayer

Yahweh, Great and Mighty Father in Heaven, Provider, Lord and Master of all, hear my prayer.

I give thanks to you for bringing to us light and hope through Your Son, Jesus Christ.

It is only by Your mercy, His Love, and our faith that we can approach You.

May we continue to recognize You in our lives, and listen to Your guidance.

May we be good servants to You, and good witnesses of Your Love.

I pray now for the world, the world You created, and the people, Your children.

In this last year, we have suffered greatly. Sin of all forms have plagued us.

I pray that You will show us Your Mercy, and deliver us from all that tries to prevent us from seeing You and Your Love.

I pray that Your Will be done, and that it will strengthen us, unite us, and draw us nearer to You.

I pray for our nation Lord. We have been torn apart, selfish, and foolish.

Help us to see the errors of our ways. And I pray for forgiveness for our many sins.

Lord God Almighty, I also pray for my family, and our friends. Continue to be with us as we struggle in this world. Lift us up when we fall. Strengthen us when we are weak. Carry us when we think we can no longer continue. Remind us of Your Love for us. Help us to see Your Presence in our lives.

Father, I pray now for my mother. Thank you so very much for providing me with such a kind, caring, and wise mother. She has always been a good example of Your Love, even when sometimes I didn’t deserve it. Just as You always love us.

Yahweh, I also pray for Gil. When I fell, he picked me up. When I wandered, he showed me the way. When I was in error, he corrected me. When I did not know, he taught me. He has been an example of Your Love, by being Your servant.

God the Father, I give thanks and praise to You for my children. They have been a blessing that has sustained me. I have tried to do my best to raise them and care for them as You do us. I have learned so much being a father to my children about what I should be like as one of Your children. I pray that You will always be with them, in good and bad.

Merciful and Mighty Lord, I also pray for my grandson. He is as innocent as Your Son, Jesus was when He was born into this world. Just as Jesus had You watching over Him, I pray that You will watch over my grandson, and see to his needs according to Your will.

Finally Yahweh, I pray for myself, that You will forgive me, protect me, and guide me. Give me the knowledge and opportunity to be the kind of child that makes You happy. I return Your Love.


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