Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Silver Dollar City (8 of 10)

 Silver Dollar City

We woke early on Saturday, knowing that we had to get an early start. The condo wasn't far from Silver Dollar City, but even arriving a half hour before opening, there were already many people there. They have a huge parking area, and like everywhere else, most of it wasn't level. At different locations throughout the parking area, they had shuttle stops where you can get on a kind of bus to take you to the front gate, instead of walking. We parked near one of these stops, boarded the bus, and soon were entering the park.

The first thing we did was to treat it like a maze and picked a direction to go and start exploring. We turned left.

There was lots to see, many shops to look in with stuff to buy, plenty of places to eat different kinds of food, Christmas decorations everywhere, and many activities.

Destiny saw a booth where they were making wax hands. There was a cost, but I don't recall how much. Because we still had all day in the park, the booth offered a service to have the hand delivered to the park gate for us to pick-up on the way out.

We found a fun house with unlevel floors, upside down rooms and crazy mirrors.

After walking around and exploring for a while, and having some expensive hamburgers for lunch, it was finally time for our first show of the day. The shows were included in the amusement park ticket, but I purchased a special pass that allowed us to skip waiting in long lines. We arrived only one minute before the show, and was escorted directly to our reserved seats front row center. The show started as soon as we were seated.

I didn't get a video of the show, but here is a video of the show someone else posted on YouTube:

The show was absolutely fantastic. Next, we had to cross to the other side of the park for our second show. Again, we arrived only one minute before it began, was escorted to our front row center seats, and the show began.

We enjoyed the second show also.

We finished the afternoon checking-out the rest of the park and after I got something to eat; Destiny wasn't hungry; it was time for two things, the lighting of the huge park Christmas tree, and our lantern tour of Marvel Cave. I will make a separate post about Marvel Cave.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Water ride and fun house.

We went to the local amusement park again and this time we tried some things we hadn't done before. There was a maze and a fun house. The maze was a bunch of glass walls that you had to find your way through. 
The fun house had a couple of really fun rooms in it, including one that had the floor leaning one way and the walls leaning the opposite. 
Another room had a walk-way with a rotating drum of lights. 
This picture isn't very clear, but it does show just how tired DJ was after all the fun she had. 
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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

May Day.

This year I nearly get five days off for May Day with only having to work one hour Tuesday evening. We went to the zoo on the first day. This was the first ride we tried after getting in. It's a good thing I took this picture before they got started. DJ doesn't like this ride. She also didn't care for the enclosed Ferris wheel.

We took DJ's stroller with us because some of the hills are a little steep. We knew she would get tired at some point, but she really liked walking around. She is better at going up steps than she is down.

The temperature was middle to upper 60's Fahrenheit with a strong wind from the ESE. DJ didn't care for the bell or the wind.
DJ got stares everywhere we went and several times we had to go around people to avoid stopping. Every time we stopped DJ was surrounded by a crowd.

This is some of the exercise equipment that can be found at several of the parks in the city.
Construction like this can be seen everywhere.
DJ loves her big sissy.
This is what happens at 7pm when you are twenty months old and have a very busy afternoon at the zoo.
On Sunday I took Suzanne to see 'Journey to the Center of the Earth' in 3D starring Brandon Frazier. It was all in Chinese of course, but we still had a good afternoon.
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