Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Sympathetic sentiments.

We are coming to the time of the year that Christians remember the sacrifice of our Lord God's Son, Jesus dying for our sins, and rising from the dead, so that we may be able to approach God, and some day bow in His presence, because of His grace and mercy.

This is copied from a post on Facebook that has been shared:

Today, I found myself complaining about the rising cost of fuel and then I remembered I have never had to run from missiles. 
I worried if I needed to stock up on a few staples and then realized I have never had to send my children to school with their blood type taped on their backs. 
I shook my head at the thought of our young men and women headed overseas and then remembered that for the Ukrainians war showed up on their doorsteps. 
Then I decided- I won’t sit in my house and brood over the downward turn of the stock market while people are literally facing death. 
Instead I’m going to pray. I know that God will hear me - He will lean down to listen when I pray. The Bible tells me that. I’m going to pray that whatever evil intends that God would turn it around for His glory. I’m going to pray that good would overcome evil and that it would happen sooner rather than later. I’m going to pray that God would hear the cry of every lost soul facing a war they didn’t want and come to their rescue. I’m praying for the overwhelming, supernatural presence of God almighty in every corner of the world tonight. 
I came here to ask if you’d pray with me. Let’s fill the throne room with our voices as we call out for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. May God hear our prayers and turn this whole thing around. 
If He can shut the mouths of hungry lions, split an entire sea in half and raise the dead- He can surely save Ukraine. 
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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Easter 2019

These are my two daughters. Suzanne will be 22 at the end of September, and Destiny will be 10 at the end of August.

I always enjoy spending time with my daughters. For Easter this year, our church had a fellowship and egg hunt at Beech Springs on the Friday evening before Easter.  

And on Saturday before Easter,  my mother prepared a wonderful meal for everyone. Then in the afternoon on the same Saturday, I took Destiny to another egg hunt at White Oak Lake State Park. 
We attended church Easter Sunday morning, and again in the evening to listen to a Christian concert.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

The Bible (TV miniseries)

During my life in China, I was pleasantly surprised to find Christianity everywhere I turned. There were home churches where believers would meet. There were jewelry and pictures depicting Christianity. I found the Bible in bookstores, that were in English and Chinese. There were even people would celebrate some of the Christian holidays, such as Christmas and Easter.

For most people in China, they saw the Bible as only another fiction story. The symbols, such as the cross worn as jewelry, were seen as just that, jewelry. Christmas and Easter are only seen as fun activities for the children, and for most of Chinese, have no spiritual meaning.

I should say here, that in my opinion, these latest actions by the Chinese government, are not an attack on Christianity, but a response to disruptions in society because of extremist from other religions in China. Over the years, especially in the northwest of China, there have been numerous outburst in communities that are predominately Muslim in religion.

There are more Christians in China than there are people living in the United States of America. And now, the Chinese government is trying to eliminate all religion in China, and requiring people to denounce their faith and embrace atheism.

A student from Taiwan introduced a website to me last year where I could watch movies and TV series. Today, I saw they had added a new series that I want to introduce to you.





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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

From my church pastor's blog.

Applauding The Deaths Of Our Little Ones

What a sad day. People stood and applauded. Buildings were lit up in festive pink to celebrate the event. New York State now allows abortions up to birth for any reason.
Considering the gravity of such a move, deciding whether a human being will be violently robbed of life, one might expect more somber looks. One might expect a sad-but-necessary attitude. No. They were happy.
The picture of the signing which circulated in the media shows people filled with joy. They look like a group who just declared a new holiday, another chance for fun and recreation. If this is a holiday, it is a holiday from sanity and common sense.
To add insult to injury, the New York bill is titled the “Reproductive Health Act.” The only accurate word in that title is “act.” This heinous act is an enemy to reproduction. Reproduction, new human life, will be extinguished because of this bill.
And there is nothing healthy about violently denying a baby its right to life. It is not healthy for the mother, her family, for the medical professional, for the community, and certainly not for the baby.
Advances in science over the past 20 to 30 years have consistently supported the fact that a fetus is a life. Successful surgeries on babies before they are born, amazing survival rates of children born long before their due dates, and other astounding medical treatments on little boys and girls developing inside their mothers’ wombs all place the burden of proof squarely on those who would de-humanize the fetus.
Perhaps even more powerful than the voice of science is the testimony of images. Imaging technology has enabled us to see with astonishing clarity the life of our unborn. And seeing is believing. The images are not of disease or random tissue, but of individual lives.
The persuasive power of these images is admitted by those who wish to kill more babies. More than 15 yeas ago a photographer was in the operating room when doctors were performing surgery on a little boy in his mother’s womb. The child stunned the world by reaching up and grabbing the doctor’s finger. The picture was taken, but almost destroyed.
By a strange turn of events the man who snapped that picture stood in my office several years ago. He told me about the outrageous efforts that were made to keep his picture from being published. Why? Because in this case one picture is worth millions of words and perhaps millions of lives.
As followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we stand for life. Each and every boy and girl is made in the image of God and deserves a chance to grow up and walk with God and enjoy his blessings.
We believe in more than just physical birth and life. We believe in spiritual life. Every person deserves to hear that God so loved the world that he sent his one and only Son, Jesus, so that anyone trusting in him will not perish (hell) but have eternal life (heaven), to be born again.
The voice of truth will not be denied. God’s Spirit will raise up men and women to courageously stand for life. Let’s answer that call. If our children see us retreat, then they will be more likely to retreat and our grandchildren will suffer. If our children see us stand firm, then they will be more likely to stand firm, and our grandchildren will benefit.
May God’s Spirit inspire and empower us to speak the truth in love,
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