Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Spring Break 2019 (National Museum of the United States Air Force) Dayton, Ohio

We spent an entire day in Dayton, Ohio, exploring the National Museum of the United States Air Force. The pictures below are in reverse order that I took them. We started with the early years of flight. Next up were World War I and World War II. Followed by the conflicts with North Korea and Vietnam. Then we came to the Cold War era. There was even a section dedicated to missiles. The last two sections focused on more modern era aircraft and included several presidential aircraft, as well as a mock up of the space shuttle. They even had several different flight simulators, including one where you can land the space shuttle, and another where you go on a space walk at the International Space Station, using VR. The museum housed more than just U.S. examples. It also had examples from Japan, Russia, Germany, France, and England.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Spring Break 2019 (Ark Encounter)

The second attraction of our first full day of Spring Break, where we were not traveling, was at the

Ark Encounter

We got an early start at the Creation Museum, saw that, and then drove 45 miles down the road to the Ark Encounter. We took a few outside photos, then had a great buffet lunch in the restaurant at the Ark Encounter. After lunch, Destiny rode a camel, and we spent a little time with some goats. Finally, we went inside the ark. Some things I came away with were: Noah not only built this huge ark with tools and technology of the period, to house the animals(as well as plant seeds), and survive the great flood, but he had to engineer how to care for the animals (water, food, air, waste), and he was also tasked with preserving the good history of mankind to that point (art, literature, and such), as well as documenting and cataloging everything. My favorite part was the large living quarters for Noah and his family.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Spring Break 2019 (Creation Museum)

On the second day of our Spring Break vacation, we planned to see two major attractions. The first was the Creation Museum. This is where the theory of creation proves the Bible is fact, not fiction. I think my favorite part of this museum shows how the myth of dragons were in fact dinosaurs.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Spring Break 2019 (Nashville, Tennessee) Cooter's Place

We had lunch, and then went to Cooter's Place, across from Opreyland.
When I was a kid, there was a television show called 'The Dukes of Hazzard' that I enjoyed. One of the main supporting characters in the show was 'Cooter'. This is a museum full of memorabilia from the show. Ben Jones was the actor who played the part of 'Cooter', and because of his simple, lovable, character, he ran for public office in Washington D.C.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Spring Break 2019 (Nashville, Tennessee) Parthenon.

We arrived in Nashville, Tennessee, about lunch time, but first we went to see the Parthenon. It was a beautiful day, and we really needed to stretch our legs again. We were lucky enough to find a charge point open that was close, although we later discovered it wasn't working. The Parthenon was closed on Mondays, but we were still impressed with the outside. I am sure the statue of Athena inside would have been equally impressive.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Spring Break 2019 (Memphis, Tennessee)

This year for Spring Break, I planned a very busy vacation, starting with a long drive of seventeen hours to Mason, Ohio. Along the way there, and on the return trip, we made a few stops to see some historical places. The first stop was at Sun Studio in Memphis, Tennessee.

Since we left Camden, Arkansas at 4 a.m. on March 18th, it was still early when we arrived in Memphis. First, we had breakfast, and then went to Sun Studio. It was also cold and windy. Sun Studio wasn't open yet, and we had a schedule to keep, so we just took some photos and got back on the road.

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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Birthday lesson.

This past weekend, I went to Little Rock with my older daughter to see and have lunch with my father on his birthday.

The restaurant we were going to go to didn't serve for lunch what my daughter wanted to eat, so we chose a different restaurant and told my father to meet us there instead.

We arrived at the restaurant and he wasn't there, so we waited. I tried calling him, but he wasn't answering, because he had left his cell phone at home. 

After waiting for 45 minutes, we guessed that he went to the same restaurant, but at a different location, since this was a restaurant chain with at least four or five locations in the city, so we went ahead and ate without him.

My daughter's birthday is the day after my father's birthday, and she wanted to go to a shopping mall. We left the restaurant, and drove to towards the mall.

Before we arrived at the mall, the stopped working in the middle of an intersection. We had to push the car into a parking lot. I took a look under the hood, and discovered the belt that works everything had come off, because some bolts had broke.

Now at this point, different people would handle the situation in different ways. Some might panic, and not know what to do. Some would call for a tow or a mechanic. Some could try to fix it themselves if they knew how. I knew how, but I felt the easiest would be to call a mechanic. I later learned that this was the wrong decision.

The mechanic came about an hour later, and said he could repair it. Four hours later, he told me that he had to order the correct size bolts, and that they would not be in until the morning. He said he would be back then to repair the car.

Now, for this next part, I know there are many people that would tell me that what I did next was a big mistake, and I agree. My daughter had also brought her boyfriend, and her boyfriend's brother with us, so I called my mother to drive two hours from our home to come get all of them.

In the meantime, my father had returned to his house and called me. He agreed to come get me, and let me stay overnight with him, since he lived not too far away, so I could get the car the next day when it was fixed, and drive it home.

I wanted to meet the mechanic the next day after he was finished with the car, and I would pay him then. Since I was going to stay overnight with my father, I decided to go to church with him the next morning. What happened next is the part where most people will disagree with what I did next.

The mechanic said he could fix the car in the morning while I was at church with my father, and if I paid him in full now, he would leave the keys with me, and I could pick the car up at anytime. He seemed like an honest guy, so I agreed.

The next day, after church, we went to check on the car. It was still sitting there just as I had left it. I contacted the mechanic, who told me the bolts he ordered at the parts store had not come in yet, and that it would be later.

We waited three more hours, and then I took matters into my own hands. I went to the parts store, and found some bolts that would work. I bought an inexpensive tool set, along with the parts I needed, including a new belt for the car. I borrowed a special tool I knew I would need to install the belt. And then I went back to the car and fixed it myself in only about an hours time.

If I had done this yesterday, it would have only cost me $45, and would have been fixed in an hour, instead of staying overnight.

That's not the main lesson learned. The main lesson isn't about the money. It's not about the time. It's not about what who was right or wrong. The main lesson came from what I didn't do after the car broke, and before I even made a decision on what to do.

When I went to church with my father that morning after the car broke, I learned that God wants us to talk with Him. He wants us to not only pray, but to simply communicate with Him. God still wants us to bring our problems to Him, but He also wants us to ask for advice. And then, after asking for advice, we should listed to what He has to tell us. If we regularly talk with God, and read the Bible, God will communicate back with us through the Holy Spirit.

The main lesson to learn here, is that I should have stopped after the car broke, and talked with God to ask him what I should do. He might have told me to fix it myself. Or, he might have told me to call the mechanic anyway, since that course of action led to me being able to stay overnight with my father and spend some time with him, including going to church together.

As a believer in God and that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to atone for our sins, we not only have the opportunity to communicate directly with God, but we have an obligation to do so on a regular basis. God is with us always, whether we choose to acknowledge Him or not. And He cares for us with great love. He is the perfect father, teacher, lord, and master.
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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Thanksgiving and Deb's birthday dinner.

DJ and May and Deb.

One of our friends from the thursday social meeting we attend was kind enough to come with us to a restaurant to help us order and celebrate Deb's birthday and Thanksgiving.

 May also got Deb a scarf for her birthday.

George and Connie and Roxanne.

Chloe and Adam and May and Suzanne.

Carl, May, Deb, Suzanne, DJ, Chloe, Adam, Connie, George, Roxanne, Debbie, Archie.
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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Friends on National Day.

Meet Winnie the DJ.
Roxanne, Archie, Suzanne and David.

David, Debbie and Carl.

Yesterday was China's National Day. The government offices are closed for three days and most people take off for the whole 'golden week', although most of the stores are open. We had Roxanne, Debbie, David and Archie over for the afternoon and evening. We had spaghetti, garlic bread and salad for lunch. After visiting and playing games we watched a couple of movies and brought back 'char'( meat on a stick) for dinner.
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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Early birthday dinner for Suzanne.

We had an early birthday dinner for Suzanne this evening at a very popular restaurant. Her birthday is September 30th.We invited a Chinese couple that live in the same housing community we do. His name is Jason and her name is Bella. She doesn't speak any English, but Jason isn't too bad. I was glad he could makeit, but the waitress was even more happy to see him because it would have been very interesting to try and order even with a picture menu.

This is a new family from England. They are from Essex county, just south of Suffold county where I lived for a while and graduated from high school. They just arrived a week ago. Her name is Debbie and works at Ivy with me. She shares a birthday with China's National Day, October 1. In the middle is her oldest son David who is 18, and on the left is her youngest son Archie who is 11.

Suzanne got this pillow from Jason and Bella.

She got a hair straightener and a few other things from her mom and 500RMB from me and $20 from her grandma back in the states.

The nice restaurants in China have seperate rooms for patrons. The smallest rooms are for eight people and you have to order a certain amount of food. Tonights dinner was 572RMB and there was plenty of left-overs to take home. We had pork ribs, fried shrimp, pepperd steak, asparagus, broccoli, fried rice, fried sweet tofu, spicy pork pies and brown sugar pies.
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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

End of school party.

These are some of the high school students from Ivy. Today was there last day of school and I invited them over to our apartment for an end of the year movie party.

Everyone had a great time and I was very happy to have them come over.

They all brought something to snack on during the movie.

This is Joy and Susan. They have become friends.

The girls surrounded DJ. This is usual anywhere we go with DJ.
DJ wasn't too thrilled to be sitting in Teddy's lap.

There were 14 students in all.

Some were from my class and others were from other classes at Ivy.

Some of the students they came were not used to dogs and weren't sure what to make of him.
We will have to get together again and play some games next time.

Earlier in the day, the Ivy teachers went to a lunch hosted by the director, Mei Han.

The lunch was a welcome for one of Ivy's foreign directors from London, who is visiting during the summer. The beauty on the left is the London director. Her name English name is Tina. She has two girls, about two and four years old. We will have to arrange a play date for them and DJ. The other beauty is of course Mei, who thinks she is 'no beautiful'.

This is Roxanne. Roxanne is from South Africa and Scotland. She just started with Ivy, but is on break until the end of summer. George and Connie were able to make the lunch also, but Andrea and David were busy.

It was a large spread as usual. I will start with the peanuts at the bottom right and go counter clockwise to tell you what everything is. After the peanuts is some broccoli with peppers, mushrooms and shrimp. Next is some kind of rib. Then there is fried shrimp. After the shrimp is a kind of cold salad. That is followed by some fried chicken. Next is a cold spinach salad. Then there is some seasoned beef. The plate after the beef has several different kinds of stuffed pastry. And after the pastry are some stuffed pastry balls. Finally, there is a glazed pork and eggplant dish.
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Teacher Carl Teacher Carl

Kite, kids and ...

Nichole, Harold and friends, Suzanne and DJ.
This is our friend Nicole's son, Harold.

Harold and a couple of his friends.

DJ and other kids in the park.

She was listening to the man playing.

She wasn't sure what to do.

It looks like an Albatross.

They attach foam to the outside of the buildings for insolation because they are all concrete.

This was an empty lot a month ago.
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Dinner at Nichole's.

How lazy is this? He has such a hard life here in China.

This is out back of our apartment. All three kids sitting and resting.

We went to dinner at a friends apartment on the southeast edge of the city. This is looking back to the north. You can see some of the low farmers housing to the left if you look closely.

The apartment where our friends live is right next to the toll gate for a busy road. Every city charges you a toll to enter or leave.

DJ and Harold get along great.

Nichole did a wonderful job preparing dinner.

DJ watched everything Harold did.

Then it was her turn.

Dead eye DJ.

She took us down one by one.

Not even her big sister was safe.

Look out DJ!

The apartment was a little smaller than ours but still nice for its age. They bought it when they got married in 1997 and in a few months they will be moving to Harbin where Nichole's husband is working.

This was just out back of the apartment. It is a local group doing organized dance marching to music.

The food was good. She cut some tomatoes for us to eat and asked if we wanted salt or sugar. I am glad she asked, because they never eat tomato with salt, only sugar. They also do not cook their rice with salt. I suggested she try it sometime.

Deb had bought me several games and we brought them with us to play. Harold and his friend wanted to learn how to play chess. It was nice to have someone to play with again.

After getting a good lead, I let them start to win a little. That was almost a mistake, because they were are both very smart. In the end they saw that I was not going to let them win.
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Some things change and others don't.

Here is a recent family picture. Usually one of us takes the picture so we don't all get to be in it.
This is Sarah. She was the one who took the family picture for us. She was also very thoughtful when she heard it was my birthday. She will be leaving Ivy this week, but will stay in Jiamusi to study Chinese at the local university and live with her boyfriend.

Deb and Suzanne got me a lot of different Chinese games we can play. I just need to learn how to play them now.

This is the T-1 class at Ivy. They are the most advanced class at Ivy. I have them every saturday and sunday from 7:15 to 8:15 in the evening. They are all high school students. From left to right is Eva, Ruth, Joy, Michelle, Meg, Sorrow, Lily, Bill, Suzanne (she came to visit), Yan (she is the teaching assistant), Teddy, and Ariel.

It is amazing how much things both change and stay the same in a years time. Last year, Ivy throw a big birthday for me and all the staff gave me gifts. This year, nothing. Last year, they were all warm in welcoming me to the Ivy family. This year, nothing. Last year, it seemed as though I was going to be pretty good friends with George. This year, my family and I have received a very cool shoulder from not only the Maxey's, but also anybody they are friends with, including the Alexander family and even the new teacher from England. I am not sure how all this started, nor do I care. I am very happy not being friends with people who feel that I am not good enough to be in their little circle. I will welcome anyone to be my friend, if they will also welcome me. Last year was a nice birthday, but this year was more honest. Thank you Sarah, Deb, Suzanne, and Destiny. Destiny told me "Happy klajfpiqurhg."
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A couple nice days this week.

There were a couple of days this week when it wasn't raining and I wasn't working that we got out and enjoyed the day.
One of those days we went down to the river.
DJ makes new friends every time she goes out.

This is not chocolate. There was a planter nearby that she kept trying to play in.

One of the times none of us were watching, she ran for the planter, not to play, but to eat.

Our zoo has on loan a Giant Panda. There are less than 2,000 in the whole world due to a history of man first hunting them and later clearing forest to make room for cities or more farm land. About 250 pandas live in zoos. They are mostly in the high mountains of central China. We thought this might be something special to see.

Panda's are meat eaters but do not hunt, so they mostly eat bamboo. The Giant Panda eats about 30kg of bamboo every day. There are over 200 kinds of bamboo but they only like about 20 of those. They also eat small animals like birds and mice. In the zoos, they also eat some fruit and special cookies.

Panda's live alone. The females are old enough to have babies at around 6 years old and can only get pregnant once a year. The males fight for the right to be the females mate and after they are forced to leave.

They give birth five months later and the babies are no bigger than an adult human hand. They will nurse from their mother for about eight months and after one year they are as big as a small 10 to 12 year old human child.

Panda's will only raise one cub at a time, so if they have more than one, they have to choose which will live and which will die. The cub is full grown after two years and the mother will make it leave. Pand's live about 20 years in the wild and 30 in zoos.

There are two kinds of panda, the Giant and the Qingling. The Qingling has a smaller head but larger molars. Unlike the familiar black and white for the Giant Panda, the Qingling is dark and light brown in color. There is another animal that lives in the same area as both kinds of panda that is called the Red Panda. The Red Panda is not a panda, but instead is related to the raccoon or skunk, and is much smaller than the panda.

Panda's are the only bears that do not hibernate during winter. They are usually very mild tempered but will fight to protect their young or if they are provoked. An adult panda standing on its back feet can stand about five feet tall and weigh around 160kg.

Dj was so tired after viewing the panda that she had to stop and take a nap sitting on a bench and leaning against her mother. She slept and snored for about an hour.

DJ's newest stuffed toy.
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