After coming home from vacation.

Our cat was happy to see us come home. I still had to cut the grass outside, unload and unpack, and put up the tent in back of the house so it could dry before storing it away for the summer. Destiny also helped me to put out, inflate, and fill the pool before placing the gazebo over it. Needless to say, I was ready for my summer working hours to begin on Monday, even though it was Memorial Day.

She gets into all kinds of trouble. She accidently tore a hole in the top of my gazebo and nearly fell into the swimming pool. She loves to hunt all kinds of things outside in many different places and bring them into us, such as this skink she took the tale off of.

When Baby is closed up inside the house because it is too hot outside; more than 40 degrees Celsius; she sits at the door begging to go out and trying to figure out how she can open it.

When she does go out, it is always to hunt. One day she caught a rabbit and brought it inside the house. It was screaming when she brought it inside. And other than losing a big tuft of fur, it was fine, so we took it out back to release it, leaving Baby inside so she couldn’t see where we let it go.

The very next day, she caught a mouse and brought it inside. It was still warm, but not moving. Either it was playing dead or actually was dead. There were no apparent injuries. I through it outside far from the house where hopefully Baby will not find it to bring it back in to play with.

Teacher Carl

I am an American, and have been teaching English as a second language online since 2016. I have traveled to many countries and lived in some, but now I only travel in the United States of America and enjoy sharing my travels and personal experiences with my students.


Cat Parkour


Final day on the road.