Odds and ends.

This is DJ playing with another kid on a ride outside a convience store.
DJ likes to go fishing at the grocery store. 
DJ tries out her sisters heels. 
Spot's water. 
DJ figuring out how to use a straw. 
Eating corn-on-the-cob. 
Listening to music on sissy's MP3. 
I think she likes it. We know what to get her for Christmas now. 
Her new sip cup has a straw. 
This is at the entrance to our housing area from the main road. The three wheeled converted motorcycle has a truck on the back that holds all the tools and spare parts that a bicycle repairman would need. He parks here all the time. When he isn't working, his wife is.
This is a battery recycle canister just inside our housing area. You don't see these in American apartment complexes. They recycle a lot more than most people think. 
The construction that was started at the beginning of spring is coming along very quickly. They have mostly finished the outside of the five floor main building and have put up most of a two floor structure beside the main. The workers that are doing the construction live on the bottom floor. They put sheets up for privacy because the building isn't finished with doors, windows or anything else except maybe a drop light. They live here with their family. It is a difficult way to live for now but will be okay once they finish it, which I hope they do in the next month before winter starts. 
There is another long structure behind the main building that is only one floor right now that will also be two by the time they are finished.

Teacher Carl

I am an American, and have been teaching English as a second language online since 2016. I have traveled to many countries and lived in some, but now I only travel in the United States of America and enjoy sharing my travels and personal experiences with my students.


Thursday lunch social.


Staying out of and getting into: trouble.