Migrant Workers Children Spend Childhood Scavenging Landfill.

Life here in China is good for us, but like any country in the world, yes, even the U.S.A., life isn't good for everyone. Here is a story and a link that will help to understand life in China a little better.

Migrant Workers Children Spend Childhood Scavenging Landfill

A little Chinese girl helping her parents scavenge a Guiyang garbage dump for salvage and recyclables.
From NetEase:

Guiyang migrant worker children spend their days scavenging garbage dumps

Guiyang Gaoyan Garbage Landfill, is Guizhou province’s first and largest municipal landfill. Around it live over a hundred migrant worker households who scavenge the garbage for a living. It is on these garbage heaps that the children of these migrant workers spend their childhood.
A three-member family that lives here, who spend 8 hours every day scavenging from the garbage, their income only 700-800 yuan every month, only enough to maintain the lowest standard of living. So the children here, as small as six to seven years old, all spend their time outside of school following the adults in scavenging on the garbage piles for “treasures” that can be recycled or sold, to reduce the financial burden in their households.
A little Chinese child scavenging for salvage and recyclables in a Guiyang landfill.
During the school year, they will work at the garbage dump from when school is out until eight or nine at night before going home. During the summer break, the older children will enter the garbage dump at dusk and work until the next morning before leaving. Photo is of a child scavenging in the garbage dump.
Migrant worker children living around a garbage dump in Guiyang, China.
In order to save on rent, the families here often live four to five people in a 10-something square meter house, with the empty space being piled full of garbage. Without any disinfectant measures and long-term exposure to garbage has greatly increased the chances of the children suffering infectious diseases. Photo is of several children sitting on a salvaged sofa.
A small Chinese girl doing her homework beside a pile of garbage bags in Guiyang.
These children live on the city’s fringes, in bad living conditions, with extremely poor family situations, usually entering school very late, some only entering school at 11-12 years of age, while others don’t even have the opportunity to go to school at all. Due to the lack of education and life skills, of these children who spend their childhood years growing up in the garbage dump, some have already dropped out of school while others have already “taken the occupation of their fathers”. Photo is of a small girl doing her homework beside a pile of garbage bags near the entrance to her home.
A baby on the back of her mother, a Chinese migrant worker who scavenges for recyclables and anything that can be sold from a landfill in Guiyang.
A child sleeping on her mother’s back. Due to not having anyone to take care of them, some children spend their days on their mothers’ backs in the garbage dump from the moment they are born.
A mother and three children on their way to scavenge for recyclables and anything that can be sold for money from Guiyang's largest garbage dump.
Photo is of a mother taking three children to go scavenge garbage.
Guiyang migrant worker children playing outside their home next to a garbage landfill.
Photo is of several children playing in front of her home.
Teacher Carl

I am an American, and have been teaching English as a second language online since 2016. I have traveled to many countries and lived in some, but now I only travel in the United States of America and enjoy sharing my travels and personal experiences with my students.




God of Wealth.