364 Days.

Here is a picture of my newest shiny pajamas. It is supposed to be a suit I had made out of some material I picked out that had a very pretty and colorful design. I have been waiting for the weather to get cooler so I could wear it. It is 42̊F this morning and tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as Moon Festival.

Have you ever wanted an extra day in the week that you didn’t have to work? Tomorrow is one of those days for me. I do not get paid for the holiday and I do not have to work, nor does it count against my hours for the week. I also do not have to make the school day up on the weekend, although I do have two Friday’s this week. It is almost like there is only 364 days this year.

Deb and I went out last night to dinner but our favorite place to eat, Flolon’s Pizza was closed and out of business. We went to a little bar one street over that also serves spaghetti and pizza. It is a little more expensive but is still pretty good food and a really nice place. On the way there we stopped at a bakery and bought some Moon Cakes. None of us had ever tried any so we brought home a variety. They are very densely packed small cakes, much like fruit cake in the states. They have a pretty pattern on the outside and different kinds of fillings on the inside. The girls like the chocolate and I like the candy filled. Spot is the only one who likes the cakes with nuts.

There is also another holiday coming at the beginning of October that I will blog about later. I will have off three days then. Some of the other teachers are planning trips to other cities but it would just be too expensive and a lot of trouble for all of us to go somewhere. We will probably just stay home or go somewhere locally.
Teacher Carl

I am an American, and have been teaching English as a second language online since 2016. I have traveled to many countries and lived in some, but now I only travel in the United States of America and enjoy sharing my travels and personal experiences with my students.


All is well in the world.

