Kids and chocolate.

This is the class that I have three times a week for what they call spoken class. I still have all my regular Ivy classes; there are seven regular Ivy classes that meet twice a week each. This class is a nice change because their English level is much better than my other classes. Three of my regular Ivy classes are baby classes; 4-6 years old. Two of those classes are just starting, so I am spending an hour each class teaching them the basics. When we get new students in, we have to give them English names. I have probably named 20 kids myself. Not all of them come back after the first class, which is free. Sometimes it is difficult to come up with so many names for so many kids. All the kids in the spoken class already have names of course. I still don't remember all their names. Some of the names are: Bull, Cinderella, Linda, Alisa, Allen, Tom, Matthew and Jerry. It is a very nice change to teach a class of the age group of my spoken class. Too bad I only have them for the summer. Then I go back to teaching at the public schools. A lot more kids and a lot more hours. DJ had some ice cream with her dinner last night. Chocolate. Of course she loved it. She was full of energy for a little while.

Teacher Carl

I am an American, and have been teaching English as a second language online since 2016. I have traveled to many countries and lived in some, but now I only travel in the United States of America and enjoy sharing my travels and personal experiences with my students.


No child left behind.


New shirt.