Lots of walking means new shoes.

Debora took Suzanne with her to buy some new shoes after we had lunch today. After they found some Deb liked Suzanne bargained with them to get there price of 680RMB, a price equal to $100US, down to $15US. Then after work Deb went with me so I could get some new shoes. The first place had some that were not the right size so they went in the back and came back with the same shoe only with a different size sticker put over the original. I walked away from them and continued looking. I found some others and after trying them on began to haggle. They started at 580RMB which is $85US. This of course was too much so I made a counter offer of 30RMB or $4.50US. They laughed at this offer but as I started to leave they began to come down some in price. After they came down a little, I went up a little. I continued to walk away and they continued to lower there price to 140RMB. I saw that they were now serious about making a sale and I gave them my final offer of 110RMB. They countered with 120RMB and I dropped my offer to 100RMB. She finally agreed to sell the shoes to me for 110RMB or $16.50US.
After we walked home we took the dog out to the park to play ball. It was 50F and DJ had a good time until she got hungry.
Teacher Carl

I am an American, and have been teaching English as a second language online since 2016. I have traveled to many countries and lived in some, but now I only travel in the United States of America and enjoy sharing my travels and personal experiences with my students.


Nice day to get out.


Busy evening.