Quick update.

We have been in China for about a month now and it seems like an eternity for us to reach this point. We are still settling in and hope to have Spot join us within a week so the family will be complete. We are all fighting off a cold I picked up from one of my students. I have a work schedule with 30 hours a week. I don't have any classes before 8:20 in the mornings during the week or before 9:00 on weekends. I am finished during the week at 11:30 except for one class on Tuesday and Friday from 5:00 to 6:00 in the evening. The weekend classes are finished at 3:15 and include 15 minutes between classes and a half hour break in the morning and an hour and a half for lunch. All together I am happy with the schedule and get more hours than the other five teachers with four hours overtime each week. I am having to adapt to my new job as a teacher but will get the hang of it soon I hope. It is still cold here with a chance of snow again by Friday when it warms up above freezing. At night it is still very cold. When the weather finally does get nicer in May we will be able to get out and explore the city more when it isn't raining too much. The local food is pretty good and very cheap. We can all eat out at KFC for around $12 American, at the Viva Curry restraunt in the mall for $5 or from a local hole in the wall nearby for $2.50. There are huge markets to shop at but with them not having many western foods and us not knowing what stuff is or how to use it in fixing meals, we are very greatful for the good, cheap local places to get take-out. Sorry for no pictures this post.
Teacher Carl

I am an American, and have been teaching English as a second language online since 2016. I have traveled to many countries and lived in some, but now I only travel in the United States of America and enjoy sharing my travels and personal experiences with my students.


DJ is growing up


First week.