More snow.

It is nearly the middle of March and it has snowed close to two inches in the last seven hours. It is supposed to get in the middle -20's Celsius tonight and then slowly start warming up again. Destiny saw a doctor today and has some medicine for bronchitis. Just like the Winter keeps dragging along, so does our colds. Classes are going better but it is a lot like getting the mill lined-out when I worked there; some days go pretty smooth and others are real rough; you just have to stay with it. We are ready to get this weekend over so we can have our family complete again with Spot arriving Monday. He doesn't like the cold but might enjoy playing in it, especially with his snow suit and boots.
Teacher Carl

I am an American, and have been teaching English as a second language online since 2016. I have traveled to many countries and lived in some, but now I only travel in the United States of America and enjoy sharing my travels and personal experiences with my students.


Somebody saw their shadow!


DJ is growing up