'What is that?'

We spent friday afternoon and evening visiting with our friends TJ and Jenni at thier apartment, having dinner and going out to snack street. They have a very nice apartment with lots of room and built-ins for storage. They have two great boys Nate age four and Noah age five. We visited for awhile and then Jenni agreed to watch DJ and her two while TJ took us out to eat Sichuan and then go to snack street. For dinner we had a pot of lamb, broccoli, greenbeans and potatoes with as little heat as you can get in Sichuan food, which was still almost too much for even me. We also had fried and seasoned shredded potatoes, plain rice, grilled bread and grilled pumpkin patties. There was lots to see on snack street and plenty of what we would call exotic foods to try. We saw everything from scorpions that were still moving to a variety of snakes, all deep fried or grilled on a stick. Suzanne and Debora had deep fried ice cream. It was some flavor of green ice cream coated in egg white placed on a slice of bread and then deep fried. The ice cream was still cold on the inside and was good. I had some grilled chicken hearts which I have always loved and TJ and I both tried something new for us, grilled sheep penis. It was not as tough as I thought it would be and we ate it all. Jennie said DJ was real good for her. Thank you DJ for being good and thank you Jenni for watching her. It was nice to get out without having to worry about her.
Teacher Carl

I am an American, and have been teaching English as a second language online since 2016. I have traveled to many countries and lived in some, but now I only travel in the United States of America and enjoy sharing my travels and personal experiences with my students.


It's a small world after all.


Suzanne says "It was AWESOME!"